The Books of My Numberless Dreams


Posted on: August 18, 2007

Stolen from Dewey.

What are you reading right now?

All the books in the sidebar under “Present Absorptions” except, arguably, Paradise Lost which is on break.

Do you have any idea what you’ll read when you’re done with that?

I can’t see over the hills of Cervantes, Dostoevsky and Milton. Theoretically I should be starting books from the writers for either of these challenges.

What magazines do you have in your bathroom right now?

None. No one in the house is a magazines-in-the-bathroom sort of person.

What’s the worst thing you were ever forced to read?

I’ve never been forced to read anything, but of assigned books any of the dozen or so business textbooks for courses would qualify.

What’s the one book you always recommend to just about everyone?

I don’t have a book like that, to be honest. Of the people I know that read most have a varied range of tastes, so I adjust my recommendations accordingly. Lately, though, I have been suggesting The Wedding Jester to anyone who reads beyond mass market paperbacks because a) I think it’s an easier introduction to Stern than The Angel of Forgetfulness and b) of all the “literary” writers I enjoy I truly, truly believe his books has the highest “entertainment” factor, as the word is most popularly understood. (It’s why I find his under appreciated status so puzzling.)

Admit it, the librarians at your library know you on a first name basis, don’t they?


Is there a book you absolutely love, but for some reason, people never think it sounds interesting, or maybe they read it and don’t like it at all?

Hmm. Not enough to notice a trend. As I said before I have an idea of what whomever I with would think about any book I had in mind to talk about, so my raves are usually shared with a receptive if not enthused listener. It’s why I needed this blog so desperately. 😉

Do you read books while you eat? While you bathe? While you watch movies or TV? While you listen to music? While you’re on the computer? While you’re having sex? While you’re driving?

Only while eating or listening to music.

When you were little, did other children tease you about your reading habits?

No, I can’t recall being teased about reading (more for my general nerdy appearance). I was a bookworm but also pretty active.

What’s the last thing you stayed up half the night reading because it was so good you couldn’t put it down?

I’m not sure. It’s between The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall or Goldberg: Variations by Gabriel Josipovici.

10 Responses to "Questions"

I might have to steal this 🙂

Question: how do you read fiction while listening to music? I’ve always found the music very distracting. Listening to music while reading technical documents, however, I can do. 😆

I like what you said about needing to talk about books being a reason for your blog. I never talk about books with people unless I know they’re book lovers and they start the book conversation first. So I was actually starving for a way to talk about books to someone besides my husband, and my blog has been such a welcome addition to my life for that reason.

[…] Some weekend fun thanks to Imani. […]

Mmmm, fun meme, eh? I’ll have to take a look around at the rest of your book blogging now that I’ve found my way here!

Julio I dunno, I just do it. 😛 At a low enough volume it’s background noise.

Dewey similar situation here, except that I would generally have to capitulate to the interests of the friends, talking about their reads because I was more willing to talk about equestrian romance, than they were to talk about…most of the books I read. Although I did have a lot of fun with genre readers (of romance or fantasy).

Heather very fun, I’m surprised Dewey thought it was boring. Hope you enjoy the browsing.

Oh, now that I’ve read other people’s answers, I don’t think it’s boring at all! I just worried it was boring when I posted my answers.

Oh, this is a fun one. I might have to “borrow” it. 🙂

[…] under: Reading, Meme, Literature, Books, Personal — litlove @ 12:50 pm Stolen from Dewey, Imani and […]

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